Upcoming Book Launches

Check out when our Speakers and Advisors are launching new books

AuthorTitleLaunch Date*Link to Preorder
Ashley GoodallThe Problem with
Change: And the
Essential Nature of
Human Performance
May 7, 2024Preorder on Amazon
Johann HariMagic Pill: The
Extraordinary Benefits
and Disturbing Risks
of the New Weight-Loss
May 7, 2024Preorder on Amazon
Songyee YoonMoasic of Minds:
Navigating the
Coexistence of
Artificial Intelligence
and Humanity
May 7, 2024Preorder on Amazon
Bart De LangheDecision-Driven
Analytics: Leveraging
Human Intelligence
to Unlock the Power
of Data
May 14, 2024Preorder on Amazon
Cass SunsteinHow to Become Famous:
Lost Einsteins, Forgotten
Superstars and How The
Beatles Came to Be
May 21, 2024Preorder on Amazon
The Essential Howard Gardner on Education_book cover imageHoward GardnerThe Essential Howard
Gardner on Education
May 24, 2024Preorder on Amazon
Matt BeaneThe Skill Code: How
to Save Human
Ability in an Age of
Intelligent Machines
June 11, 2024Preorder on Amazon
David De CremerThe AI-Savvy Leader:
Nine Ways to Take Back
Control and Make AI
June 18, 2024Preorder on Amazon
The Essential Howard Gardner on Mind_book cover imageHoward GardnerThe Essential Howard
Gardner on Mind
September 27, 2024Preorder on Amazon
Karthik RamannaThe Age of Outrage:
How to Lead in a
Polarized World
October 29, 2024Preorder on Amazon
*Launch dates subject to change

Recent Book Launches

Check out the latest books from our Speakers and Advisors

AuthorTitleRelease DateLink to Buy
Push Play: Gaming for a Better World imageSongyee YoonPush Play: Gaming
For a Better World
March 26, 2024Available on Amazon
Marc Zao-SandersTimeboxing: The Power
of Doing One Thing at
a Time
March 19, 2024Available on Amazon
Lisa MosconiThe Menopause Brain:
New Science Empowers
Women to Navigate
the Pivotal Transition
with Knowledge and
March 12, 2024Available on Amazon
Cass SunsteinLook Again: The Power
of Noticing What Was
Always There
February 27, 2024Available on Amazon
Shalene Gupta - The CycleShalene GuptaThe Cycle: Confronting
the Pain of Periods and
February 27, 2024Available on Amazon
Gardner-Gallo Overcoming Ageism 2024Amy Gallo
Heidi K. Gardner
Overcoming Ageism
(HBR Women at Work
February 27, 2024Available on Amazon
Stew Friedman, Baby Bust, 10th Anniversary Edition, CoverStew FriedmanBaby Bust, 10th
Anniversary Edition:
New Choices for Men
and Women in Work
and Family
January 30, 2024Available on Amazon
David De CremerGenerative AI: The
Insights You Need
from Harvard Business
January 30, 2024Available on the
HBR Store
Romeo - The Alternative White CoverNick RomeoThe Alternative: How to
Build a Just Economy
January 16, 2024Available on Amazon
McAfee - The Geek Way CoverAndrew McAfeeThe Geek Way: The Radical
Mindset that Drives

Extraordinary Results
November 14, 2023Available on Amazon
David De Cremer
et al.
The Year in Tech 2024:
The Insights You Need
from Harvard Business
October 24, 2023Available on Amazon
Mark EspositoThe Great Remobilization:
Strategies and Designs
For a Smarter Global
October 17, 2023Available on Amazon
Jiaying ZhaoCash Transfers for
Inclusive Societies: A
Behavioral Lens
October 12, 2023Available on Amazon
Barbara WixomData is Everybody’s Business:
The Fundamentals of Data
Monetization (Management
on the Cutting Edge)
September 26, 2023Available on Amazon
Paola Cecchi-DimeglioDiversity Dividend: The
Transformational Power
of Small Changes to De-
Bias Your Company, Attract
Diverse Talent, Manage
Everyone Better and Make

More Money
September 19, 2023Available on Amazon
Meg Rithmire
Precarious Ties: Business

and the State in
Authoritarian Asia
September 18, 2023Available on Amazon
Michèle LamontSeeing Others: How
Recognition Works –
and How it Can Heal
a Divided World
September 12, 2023Available on Amazon
Amy EdmondsonRight Kind of Wrong:
The Science of Failing Well
September 5, 2023Available on Amazon
Powell and Kleiner - The AI DilemmaJuliette Powell &
Art Kleiner
The AI Dilemma: 7 Principles for
Responsible Technology
August 15, 2023Available on Amazon
Sunstein - Interpret the ConstitutionCass SunsteinHow to Interpret the
August 15, 2023Available on Amazon
Cappelli - Our Least Important AssetPeter CappelliOur Least Important Asset:
Why the Relentless Focus
on Finance and Accounting
is Bad for Business and
July 25, 2023Available on Amazon
Cass SunsteinDecisions About Decisions:
Practical Reason in
Ordinary Life
July 13, 2023Available on Amazon
Zeynep Ton - The Case for Good Jobs CoverZeynep TonThe Case for Good Jobs:
How Great Companies
Bring Dignity, Pay, and
Meaning to Everyone’s
June 6, 2023Available on Amazon
Kevin Kelly - Excellent Advice CoverKevin KellyExcellent Advice For Living:
Wisdom I Wish I’d Known
May 2, 2023Available on Amazon
Sheena IyengarThink Bigger: How to
April 11, 2023Available on Amazon

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